United Public Domain Gold 1
United Public Domain Gold 1 .iso
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"+" sign means compatable with 500+ and 600 Amigas
"Y" sign means compatable with 1200 Amiga, always
DOUBLE CHECK your order for compatability before ordering.
PA1 AEGIS ANIMATIONS 3 anims, Juggler, Plane & Marlyn. + Y
PA28 AGATRON ANIMS 5 great short looped animations! + Y
PA29 APPLECUS ANIMATION Great anim of an abacus (applecus??) + Y
PA30 BAD BIRD ANIMATION Not too bad this one. +
PA31 BASKETBALL A basketball player shooting a ball into the net. 1M + Y
PA32 BONGO ANIMATION Animation of a man playing the bongo drums. + Y
PA33 BUSY BEE Cute animation of a freaky bee. almost looks wooden. 1M + Y
PA34 CLOTHES PEG Bouncing clothes pegs and more. Not bad. 1M
PA35 COOL COUGAR cartoon style anim, tells the story of cool Cougar.1M + Y
PA36 CX1 SPACESHIP A cool sculpt 4D anim of a ship circling a globe + Y
PA37 DART ANIMATION Good animation of a dart passing through an egg! Y
PA38 DRAGONS LAIR TIME WARP Animation of the cartoon game .1M + Y
PA39 ERIC-S AMY VS WALKER Cute & sexy(?) squirrel chasing Walker.1.5M
PA40 ERIC-S BATMAN A great animation featuring batman and the joker.1M+ Y
PA41 ERIC-S COYOTE 2 This ones a corker,coyote up to this tricks 2M + Y
PA42 ERIC-S COYOTE STRIKES BACK Not too good this time but popular.1mg
PA43 ERIC-S MORE AEROTOONS More humorous cartoon capers. Great 1M + Y
PA44 ERIC-S SHUTTLECOCK Two Space Shuttles playing with a satallite. + Y
PA45 ERIC-S STEALTHY II The Mig-29 and Stealthy bomber cartoon.1M + Y
PA46 FRANKLYN THE FLY Great anim of a day in the life of a housefly! +
PA47 GHOSTBUSTER ANIMATION Anim on the popular ghostbusters theme. + Y
PA48 GYMNAST ANIMATION Animation of a gymnast swinging on bars.1M + Y
PA49 HAPPY ANIMATIONS HappyMan, TreeFrog, Windowman and Hammer. Y
PA53/4 LIGHT CYCLES (2) Huge animation from the Tron film. Fab. 1mg! +
PA55 LUXO TEENAGER Father & son lamp animation, excellent 1M + Y
PA56 MAGICIAN II this ones a bit better, more glossier this time round.+Y
PA57 MAGICIAN Similar to the juggler anim, but not quite as glossy 1M +Y
PA58 MINER A miner truck loading coals into a buggy to be taken away. + Y
PA59 MR POTATO HEAD Watch the potato man in cabaret! + Y
PA60 NEWTONS CRADLE ray traced animation, plus F-19 and Rocking chair +
PA61 PHAROAH ANIMATION An animation of a Pharoah kings mask. + Y
PA62 PIANO ANIMATION This is an animation of a cartoony piano! + Y
PA64 PROBE SEQUENCE Probe investigateslife forms on distant planet 1M +
PA65/68 REAL 3D (4)Superb demo of effects possible with Real 3D.1mg! + Y
PA69 REAL THING HORSES demo of the animation package for deluxe paint. +
PA70 SHUTTLECOCK ANIMATION 2 shuttles playing with a satellite! Y
PA71 THE BOINGS Great anim of 2 Zebedee characters on springs!1.5M ON+ Y
PA72 THE JUGGLER the old classic animation that sold 1000s of Amiga's! + Y
PA73 THE KNIGHT DEMO Animation of a knight climbing out of a book. 1M + Y
PA74 THE WALKER DEMO Helicopter attacking the walker. Film style. 1M + Y
PA75 THE WALKER DEMO II Walker Attacking the A2000. Not bad. 1M + Y
PA77 UNICYCLE ANIMATION Exellent animation of a unicycle & a car! +
PA78 WINGS Superb quality red baron biplane animation. Very nice.1M + Y
PA79 MR POTATO HEAD 2 Another great Chris Hill animation disk! + Y
PA80 LEMMINGS ANIMATION Great lemmings animation. Check it out. 1M
PA81 BUSTER DOUGLAS Digi anim of Busters not so famous moments! + Y
PA82 TIN TOY ANIMATION Nice ray traced animation of a tin soldier! + Y
PA83 More classy anims, the Bionic Bimbo. + Y
PA84 James Pond versus the Lemings. Y
PA85 Jet animation, like the fractal flight animation but better. + Y
PA86 Fractal animation, full screen, low flying aniamation. + Y
PA87 Tea Pot, very good ray traced animation. Y
PA88-89 Mr Potato head:The circus act on two disks. Y
PA90 Too much 3D, a space flyes out of the Amiga and around the room.+ Y
PA91-3 Gas turbine, Steam, and Petrol engine animations, one
animation on each disk. + Y
PA94 Amy jogs walkes and sneezes from Eric Schwartz. + Y
PA95 How torun into a wall animation from Eric Schwartz. + Y
PA96 Oh no more classy animations, The Last Chuck? + Y
PA97 A small station at Khern, new 1 meg version. + Y
PA98 Easter Island animation, nice fractal. + Y
PA99 ATF agility, new Eric Schwartz anim. very witty. + Y
PA100 VTOL contest winner, a new Eric Schwartz anim. + Y
PA101 Dolphin Dreams, great dolphin animation. + Y
PA102 Battle of Britain, amusing short anim. + Y
PA103/4 Kingfisher 2 disks of superb bird anims. + Y
PA105 Tor Animation, Dog jumps out of screen + Y
PA106/7 THE JOURNEY Fab fractal pics & anims(2)+Y
PA108 DESERT DOO Guy finds ice cream van in desert+Y
PA109 SATURN ORBIT Ray traced flight around Saturn+Y
PA110/13 THE SORCEROR Sorceror turns into dragon(4) +
PA114/17 SORCEROR 2 More dragons but 2mg (4) +
PA118 3 SCHWARTZ Skydive,Soft landing & bomber! +Y
PA119 STEAM ANIMATION V2.0 Now with sound! +Y
PA121 BOAT ANIM Colourful anim, is quite fast on 1200!+Y
PA122/3 THUNDERBIRDS ANIM Nice animation! (2)+Y
PA124 ANIM COMP 10 mini animations compilation! +Y
PA126/7 PHOTONIC DREAMS Room & Star animations! +Y
PA131/40 10 disk set Steve Packer anims!(1200 ONLY)
PA141 STIRLING II ENGINE Another fab engine anim!+Y
PA143 XMAS ANIMATION Amusing animation! +Y
PA144 LET ME OUT Amusing dog & slipper animation! +Y
PA145 SUNJETS ANIM Nice anim of jet planes! +Y
PA146 FLY ANIM Biplane loops the loop!(not 1.3)+Y
PA147 EARTH ANIM Fast frame pics of Earth(not 1.3)+Y
PA150 RAGING HORMONE Another funny anim.+Y
PA151 XWING ANIM Nice star wars animation.+Y
PA152 NATIONAL WEATHER Amusing little anim!+Y
PA153 EARTH ORBIT Watch the earth revolve+Y
PA154 DAFFY LOSES HIS HEAD Amusing animation! +Y
animation! +Y
PA156 FLYING LESSONS Another amusing cartoon animation! +Y
PA157 TWINGO Cartoonish French animation! +Y
PA158 CROWN JEWELS A nice animation of a queen on a galloping horse!+Y
PA159 SNOW HORSES Horse galloping in the snow! +Y
PA160 BOND ANIM Poor Bond intro anim +Y
PA161 VIETNAM ANIMATION Good Schwartz animation! +Y
PA162 SWISS F16 Another old but good animation! +Y
PA163 KNIGHTY NORMAN Funny medievil anim! +Y
PA164 KNIGHTY NORMAN 2 More old fashioned fun +Y
PA165 DO DO RETURN TO DESERT Cartoony animation! +Y
PA166 HILLBILLY ANIMATION Another funny Carl animation! +Y
PA167 BEACH ANIMATION More fron Carl! +Y
PA168 MARCO'S BOX OF FUN 3 short but funny animations! +Y
PA169 DINOWALKER Good ray traced dinosaur & people jogging! +Y
(may need more than 1 meg!)
PA170 JASON BROWN ANIMS Great anims & drawings on this disk! +Y